`<a>` tags in headings are set to apply the style of `%anchor` in `module.scss` and `common.scss`. Therefore, if I put a link in a heading, the link will have the same style as the anchor, which means that the font size becomes smaller and the link will not be displayed unless I hover the mouse over it. My suggestion is to set an `anchor` class for the `<a>` tag of the anchor and apply style settings to the `anchor` class, not to the `a` tag.
192 lines
5.8 KiB
192 lines
5.8 KiB
Refactor the HTML structure.
{% assign _content = include.content %}
In order to allow a wide table to scroll horizontally,
we suround the markdown table with `<div class="table-wrapper">` and `</div>`
{% if _content contains '<table>' %}
{% assign _content = _content
| replace: '<table>', '<div class="table-wrapper"><table>'
| replace: '</table>', '</table></div>'
| replace: '</table></div></code>', '</table></code>'
{% endif %}
Fixed kramdown code highlight rendering:
{% if _content contains '<pre class="highlight">' %}
{% assign _content = _content
| replace: '<div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code', '<div class="highlight"><code'
| replace: '</code></pre></div>', '</code></div>'
{% endif %}
<!-- Add attribute 'hide-bullet' to the checkbox list -->
{% if _content contains '<li class="task-list-item"><' %}
{% assign _content = _content
| replace: '"task-list-item"><', '"task-list-item" hide-bullet><'
{% endif %}
<!-- images -->
{% if _content contains '<img src="' %}
<!-- add CDN prefix if it exists -->
{% if site.img_cdn != '' %}
{% assign img_path_replacement = '<img src="' | append: site.img_cdn | append: '/' %}
{% else %}
{% assign img_path_replacement = '<img src="' | append: site.baseurl | append: '/' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign _content = _content | replace: '<img src="/', img_path_replacement %}
<!-- lazy-load images <https://github.com/ApoorvSaxena/lozad.js#usage> -->
{% assign _content = _content | replace: '<img src="', '<img data-proofer-ignore data-src="' %}
<!-- add image placehoder to prevent layout reflow -->
{% assign _img_content = nil %}
{% assign _images = _content | split: '<img ' %}
{% for _img in _images %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{% assign _img_content = _img %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% assign _width = nil %}
{% assign _height = nil %}
{% assign _img_converted = _img | replace: ' w=', ' width=' | replace: ' h=', ' height=' %}
{% assign _attrs = _img_converted | split: '>' | first | split: ' ' %}
{% for _attr in _attrs %}
{% capture _key %}{{ _attr | split: '=' | first }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture _value %}{{ _attr | split: '=' | last | replace: '"', '' }}{% endcapture %}
{% case _key %}
{% when 'width' %}
{% assign _width = _value %}
{% when 'height' %}
{% assign _height = _value %}
{% endcase %}
{% if _width and _height %}
{% capture _svg %}data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 {{_width}} {{_height}}'%3E%3C/svg%3E{% endcapture %}
{% assign _img_content = _img_content | append: '<img src="' | append: _svg | append: '" ' | append: _img_converted %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% unless _width and _height %}
{% assign _img_content = _img_content | append: '<img ' | append: _img %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign _content = _img_content %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Add header for code snippets -->
{% if _content contains '<div class="highlight"><code>' %}
{% assign _code_spippets = _content | split: '<div class="highlight"><code>' %}
{% assign _new_content = '' %}
{% for _snippet in _code_spippets %}
{% if forloop.last %}
{% assign _new_content = _new_content | append: _snippet %}
{% else %}
{% assign _left = _snippet | split: '><' | last%}
{% if _left contains 'file="' %}
{% assign _label_text = _left | split: 'file="' | last | split: '"' | first %}
{% assign _label_icon = 'far fa-file-code' %}
{% else %}
{% assign _lang = _left | split: 'language-' | last | split: ' ' | first %}
{% capture _label_text %}{% include language-alias.html language=_lang %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign _label_icon = 'fas fa-code small' %}
{% endif %}
{% capture _label %}
<span label-text="{{ _label_text | strip }}"><i class="{{ _label_icon }}"></i></span>
{% endcapture %}
{% assign _new_content = _new_content | append: _snippet
| append: '<div class="code-header">'
| append: _label
| append: '<button aria-label="copy" title-succeed="'
| append: site.data.locales[lang].post.button.copy_code.succeed
| append: '"><i class="far fa-clipboard"></i></button></div>'
| append: '<div class="highlight"><code>'
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign _content = _new_content %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Create heading anchors -->
{% assign heading_levels = '2,3,4,5' | split: ',' %}
{% assign _heading_content = _content %}
{% for level in heading_levels %}
{% capture mark_start %}<h{{ level }} id="{% endcapture %}
{% capture mark_end %}</h{{ level }}>{% endcapture %}
{% if _heading_content contains mark_start %}
{% assign _new_content = nil %}
{% assign heading_snippets = _heading_content | split: mark_start %}
{% for snippet in heading_snippets %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{% assign _new_content = snippet %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% assign id = snippet | split: '"' | first %}
{% capture anchor %}<a href="#{{ id }}" class="anchor"><i class="fas fa-hashtag"></i></a>{% endcapture %}
{% assign left = snippet | split: mark_end | first %}
{% assign right = snippet | replace: left, '' %}
{% assign _new_content = _new_content | append: mark_start
| append: left | append: anchor | append: mark_end | append: right
{% endfor %}
{% assign _heading_content = _new_content %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign _content = _heading_content %}
<!-- return -->
{{ _content }}