- Google Analytics superProxy has been archived and is no longer maintained. - Google Analytics UA end of life. See also: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/11583528?hl=en
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106 lines
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<!-- JS selector for site. -->
<!-- commons -->
{% assign urls = site.data.origin[type].jquery.js
| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].bootstrap.js
| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].search.js
<!-- layout specified -->
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{% unless page.layout == 'home' %}
<!-- image lazy-loading & popup & clipboard -->
{% assign urls = urls
| append: ','
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| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].clipboard.js
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{% if page.layout == 'home'
or page.layout == 'post'
or page.layout == 'archives'
or page.layout == 'category'
or page.layout == 'tag'
{% assign locale = site.lang | split: '-' | first %}
{% assign urls = urls
| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].dayjs.js.common
| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].dayjs.js.locale
| replace: ':LOCALE', locale
| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].dayjs.js.relativeTime
| append: ','
| append: site.data.origin[type].dayjs.js.localizedFormat
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{% endif %}
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{% when 'home', 'categories', 'post', 'page' %}
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{% when 'archives', 'category', 'tag' %}
{% assign js = 'misc' %}
{% else %}
{% assign js = 'commons' %}
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<script defer src="{{ script | relative_url }}"></script>
{% if page.math %}
<!-- MathJax -->
/* see: <https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/options/input/tex.html#tex-options> */
MathJax = {
tex: {
/* start/end delimiter pairs for in-line math */
inlineMath: [
['$', '$'],
['\\(', '\\)']
/* start/end delimiter pairs for display math */
displayMath: [
['$$', '$$'],
['\\[', '\\]']
<script src="{{ site.data.origin[type].polyfill.js | relative_url }}"></script>
<script id="MathJax-script" async src="{{ site.data.origin[type].mathjax.js | relative_url }}"></script>
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{% else %}
<script defer src="{{ '/unregister.js' | relative_url }}"></script>
{% endif %}
<!-- GA -->
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{% include google-analytics.html %}
{% endif %}
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