 * Setting up image lazy loading and LQIP switching

const ATTR_DATA_SRC = 'data-src';
const ATTR_DATA_LQIP = 'data-lqip';

const cover = {
  SHIMMER: 'shimmer',
  BLUR: 'blur'

function removeCover(clzss) {

function handleImage() {
  if (!this.complete) {

  if (this.hasAttribute(ATTR_DATA_LQIP)) {
    removeCover.call(this, cover.BLUR);
  } else {
    removeCover.call(this, cover.SHIMMER);

 * Switches the LQIP with the real image URL.
function switchLQIP() {
  const src = this.getAttribute(ATTR_DATA_SRC);
  this.setAttribute('src', encodeURI(src));

export function loadImg() {
  const images = document.querySelectorAll('article img');

  if (images.length === 0) {

  images.forEach((img) => {
    img.addEventListener('load', handleImage);

  // Images loaded from the browser cache do not trigger the 'load' event
  document.querySelectorAll('article img[loading="lazy"]').forEach((img) => {
    if (img.complete) {
      removeCover.call(img, cover.SHIMMER);

  // LQIPs set by the data URI or WebP will not trigger the 'load' event,
  // so manually convert the URI to the URL of a high-resolution image.
  const lqips = document.querySelectorAll(
    `article img[${ATTR_DATA_LQIP}="true"]`

  if (lqips.length) {
    lqips.forEach((lqip) => {