Merge branch 'feature/post-img-path'
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 93 additions and 33 deletions
@ -38,65 +38,100 @@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- images -->
<!-- images -->
{% if _content contains '<img src="' %}
{% assign IMG_TAG = '<img ' %}
<!-- add CDN prefix if it exists -->
{% if site.img_cdn != '' %}
{% assign img_path_replacement = '<img src="' | append: site.img_cdn | append: '/' %}
{% else %}
{% assign img_path_replacement = '<img src="' | append: site.baseurl | append: '/' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign _content = _content | replace: '<img src="/', img_path_replacement %}
<!-- lazy-load images <> -->
{% assign _content = _content | replace: '<img src="', '<img data-proofer-ignore data-src="' %}
<!-- add image placehoder to prevent layout reflow -->
{% if _content contains IMG_TAG %}
{% assign _img_content = nil %}
{% assign _img_content = nil %}
{% assign _img_snippets = _content | split: IMG_TAG %}
{% assign _images = _content | split: '<img ' %}
{% for _img_snippet in _img_snippets %}
{% for _img in _images %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{% if forloop.first %}
{% assign _img_content = _img %}
{% assign _img_content = _img_snippet %}
{% continue %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign _width = nil %}
{% assign _width = nil %}
{% assign _height = nil %}
{% assign _height = nil %}
{% assign _src = nil %}
{% assign _img_converted = _img | replace: ' w=', ' width=' | replace: ' h=', ' height=' %}
{% assign _left = _img_snippet | split: '/>' | first %}
{% assign _attrs = _img_converted | split: '>' | first | split: ' ' %}
{% assign _right = _img_snippet | replace: _left, '' %}
{% assign _left = _left | replace: ' w=', ' width=' | replace: ' h=', ' height=' %}
{% assign _attrs = _left | split: ' ' %}
{% for _attr in _attrs %}
{% for _attr in _attrs %}
{% capture _key %}{{ _attr | split: '=' | first }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign _pair = _attr | split: '=' %}
{% capture _value %}{{ _attr | split: '=' | last | replace: '"', '' }}{% endcapture %}
{% if _pair.size < 2 %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% capture _key %}{{ _pair | first }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture _value %}{{ _pair | last | replace: '"', '' }}{% endcapture %}
{% case _key %}
{% case _key %}
{% when 'width' %}
{% when 'width' %}
{% assign _width = _value %}
{% assign _width = _value %}
{% when 'height' %}
{% when 'height' %}
{% assign _height = _value %}
{% assign _height = _value %}
{% when 'src' %}
{% assign _src = _value %}
{% endcase %}
{% endcase %}
{% if _width and _height %}
{% if _width and _height and _src %}
{% capture _svg %}data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 {{_width}} {{_height}}'%3E%3C/svg%3E{% endcapture %}
{% assign _img_content = _img_content | append: '<img src="' | append: _svg | append: '" ' | append: _img_converted %}
{% break %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% unless _width and _height %}
{% if _src %}
{% assign _img_content = _img_content | append: '<img ' | append: _img %}
{% unless _src contains '://' %}
{% endunless %}
<!-- Add CDN URL -->
{% if site.img_cdn %}
{% assign _src_prefix = site.img_cdn %}
{% else %}
{% assign _src_prefix = site.baseurl %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Add image path -->
{% if page.img_path %}
{% assign _path = page.img_path %}
{% assign last_char = _path | slice: -1 %}
{% unless last_char == '/' %}
{% assign _path = _path | append: '/' %}
{% endunless %}
{% assign _src_prefix = _src_prefix | append: _path %}
{% endif %}
{% assign _final_src = _src_prefix | append: _src %}
{% assign _left = _left | replace: _src, _final_src %}
{% endunless %}
<!-- lazy-load images <> -->
{% assign _left = _left | replace: 'src=', 'data-src=' %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Add SVG placehoder to prevent layout reflow -->
{% if _width and _height %}
{%- capture _svg -%}
src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 {{ _width }} {{ _height }}'%3E%3C/svg%3E"
{%- endcapture -%}
{% assign _left = _svg | append: ' ' | append: _left %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Bypass the HTML-proofer test -->
{% assign _left = _left | append: ' data-proofer-ignore' %}
{% assign _img_content = _img_content | append: IMG_TAG | append: _left | append: _right %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -206,6 +206,31 @@ The parsing result will automatically add the CDN prefix `` befor
{: .nolineno}
{: .nolineno}
### Image path
When a post contains many images, it will be a time-consuming task to repeatedly define the path of the images. To solve this, we can define this path in the YAML block of the post:
img_path: /img/path/
{: .nolineno }
And then, the image source of Markdown can write the file name directly:

{: .nolineno }
The output will be:
<img src="/img/path/flower.png" alt="The flower">
{: .nolineno }
## Pinned Posts
## Pinned Posts
You can pin one or more posts to the top of the home page, and the fixed posts are sorted in reverse order according to their release date. Enable by:
You can pin one or more posts to the top of the home page, and the fixed posts are sorted in reverse order according to their release date. Enable by:
Add table
Reference in a new issue