Follow the [Jekyll Docs]( to complete the installtion of basic environment (Ruby, RubyGem, Bundler and Jekyll). In order to use the script tools to save time, we also need to install [Python]( 3.5 or abover) and [ruamel.yaml](
In addition, if your machine is running Debian or macOS, make sure you have the [GNU coreutils]( installed. Otherwise, get it by:
It defines the image file location of avatar. The sample image is `/assets/img/sample/avatar.jpg`, and should be replaced by your own one(a square image). Notice that a huge image file will increase the load time of your site, so keep your avatar image size as samll as possible(may be *<>* will help).
To ensure that the posts' release date matches the city you live in, please modify the field `timezone` correctly. A list of all available values can be found on [TimezoneConverter]( or [Wikipedia](
There are three options for the theme color scheme:
- **dual** - The default color scheme will follow the system settings, but if the system does not support dark mode, or the browser does not support `Media Queries Level 5`, the theme will be displayed as `light` mode by default. Anyway, the bottom left corner of the Sidebar will provide a button for users to switch color schemes.
Few days later, you may find that the file changes does not refresh in real time by using ``. Don't worry, the advanced option `-r` (or `--realtime`) will solve this problem, but it requires [**fswatch**]( to be installed on your machine.
Before the deployment begins, ensure the `url` in file `_config.yml` has been set to `https://<username>`(or the custom domain, if you have. e.g. ``). What's more, if you prefer to the [Project site](, change `baseurl` of file `_config.yml` to your project name, starting with a slash. e.g. `/project`.
> **Note**: If you want to use any third-party Jekyll plugins that not in [this list](, stop reading the current approach and go to [*Option 2: Build locally*](#option-2-build-locally).
> Please note that the *Recent Update* list requires the latest git-log date of posts, thus make sure the changes in `_posts` have been committed before running this command.
it will automatically generates the *Latest Modified Date* and *Categories / Tags* page for the posts and submit a commit. Its output is similar to the following log:
[INFO] Success to update lastmod for 4 post(s).
[INFO] Succeed! 3 category-pages created.
[INFO] Succeed! 4 tag-pages created.
[Automation] Updated the Categories, Tags, Lastmod for post(s).
For security reasons, GitHub Pages runs on `safe` mode, which means the third-party Jekyll plugins or custom scripts won't work. If you want to use any another plugins that not in the [whitelist](, **you have to generate the site locally rather than on GitHub Pages**.
**1**. Browse to GitHub website, create a brand new repo named:
|Site Type | Repo's Name|
|User or Organization | `<username>`|
|Project| any one except `<username>`, let's say `project`|