This post is to enable Page Views on the [**Chirpy**][chirpy-homepage] theme based blog that you just built. This requires technical knowledge and it's recommended to keep the `google_analytics.pv.*` empty unless you have a good reason. If your website has low traffic, the page views count would discourage you to write more blogs. With that said, let's start with the setup.
With your property created, you now need to set up Data Stream to track your blog traffic. After you signup, the prompt should automatically take you to create your first **Data Stream**. If not, follow these steps:
Now, click on the new data stream and grab the **Measurement ID**. It should look something like `G-V6XXXXXXXX`. Copy this to your `_config.yml`{: .filepath} file:
When you push these changes to your blog, you should start seeing the traffic on your Google Analytics. Play around with the Google Analytics dashboard to get familiar with the options available as it takes like 5 mins to pick up your changes. You should now be able to monitor your traffic in real time.
There is a detailed [tutorial]( available to set up Google Analytics superProxy. But, if you are interested to just quickly get your Chirpy-based blog display page views, follow along. These steps were tested on a Linux machine. If you are running Windows, you can use the Git bash terminal to run Unix-like commands.
6. Enable billing account. Yeah, you have to link your credit card. But, you won't be billed unless you exceed your free quota. For a simple blog, the free quota is more than sufficient.
10. On the left, Click on _OAuth Consent Screen_ and accept **Configure Consent Screen**. Select **External** since your blog is probably hosted for the public. Click on **Publish** under _Publishing Status_
11. Click on **Credentials** on the left and create a new **OAuth Client IDs** credential. Make sure to add an entry under `Authorized redirect URIs` that matches: `https://<project-id>.<region>`
2. Remove the first 2 lines in the [`src/app.yaml`{: .filepath}]( file:
**Tip:** You can configure a custom domain instead of ``. But, for the sake of keeping it simple, we will be using the Google provided default URL.
Head to `` and create a query after verifying the account. **GA Core Reporting API** query request can be created in [Query Explorer](
If the `site.baseurl` is specified, change the first filtering rule to `ga:pagePath=~^/BASE_URL/posts/.*/$`, where `BASE_URL` is the value of `site.baseurl`.
After <kbd>Run Query</kbd>, copy the generated contents of **API Query URI** at the bottom of the page and fill in the **Encoded URI for the query** of SuperProxy on GAE.
After the query is saved on GAE, a **Public Endpoint** (public access address) will be generated, and we will get the query result in JSON format when accessing it. Finally, click <kbd>Enable Endpoint</kbd> in **Public Request Endpoint** to make the query effective, and click <kbd>Start Scheduling</kbd> in **Scheduling** to start the scheduled task.
Once all the hard part is done, it is very easy to enable the Page View on Chirpy theme. Your superProxy dashboard should look something like below and you can grab the required values.
Update the `_config.yml`{: .filepath} file of [**Chirpy**][chirpy-homepage] project with the values from your dashboard, to look similar to the following: