2019-09-30 20:38:41 +08:00
The Pannel on right side (Desktop views)
2020-04-07 20:23:57 +08:00
<div id="panel-wrapper" class="col-xl-3 pl-2 text-muted topbar-down">
2019-09-30 20:38:41 +08:00
2019-10-29 14:09:58 +08:00
<div class="access">
2019-09-30 20:38:41 +08:00
2020-11-19 01:58:35 +08:00
{% include update-list.html %}
2020-12-11 23:05:36 +08:00
2020-11-19 01:58:35 +08:00
{% if update_list.size > 0 %}
2020-12-11 23:05:36 +08:00
2020-02-29 00:16:47 +08:00
<div id="access-lastmod" class="post">
2021-07-21 01:01:09 +08:00
<span>{{- site.data.locales[site.lang].panel.lastmod | default: 'Recent Update' -}}</span>
2019-10-29 17:05:28 +08:00
<ul class="post-content pl-0 pb-1 ml-1 mt-2">
2020-04-10 03:15:51 +08:00
2020-05-10 00:28:18 +08:00
{% for item in update_list %}
2020-11-19 01:58:35 +08:00
{% assign index = item | split: "::" | last | plus: 0 %}
{% assign post = site.posts[index] %}
{% assign url = post.url | relative_url %}
<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
2020-04-10 03:15:51 +08:00
{% endfor %}
2019-10-29 17:05:28 +08:00
2020-11-19 01:58:35 +08:00
</div> <!-- #access-lastmod -->
2020-12-11 23:05:36 +08:00
2020-11-19 01:58:35 +08:00
{% endif %}
2019-09-30 20:38:41 +08:00
2020-06-03 22:49:28 +08:00
{% include trending-tags.html %}
2020-06-01 22:59:09 +08:00
{% if trending_tags.size > 0 %}
2019-10-29 17:05:28 +08:00
<div id="access-tags">
2021-07-21 01:01:09 +08:00
<span>{{- site.data.locales[site.lang].panel.trending_tags | default: 'Trending Tags' -}}</span>
2019-10-29 17:05:28 +08:00
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap mt-3 mb-1 mr-3">
2020-12-11 23:05:36 +08:00
{% for tag_name in trending_tags %}
{% assign url = tag_name | slugify | url_encode | prepend: "/tags/" | append: "/" %}
<a class="post-tag" href="{{ url | relative_url }}">{{ tag_name }}</a>
2020-06-11 21:16:44 +08:00
{% endfor %}
2020-10-27 05:14:33 +08:00
2019-12-31 23:17:27 +08:00
2020-06-01 22:59:09 +08:00
{% endif %}
2019-10-29 17:05:28 +08:00
</div> <!-- .access -->
2020-12-28 00:14:10 +08:00
{% if include.toc %}
2021-01-23 15:07:18 +08:00
<!-- BS-toc.js will be loaded at medium priority -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/afeld/bootstrap-toc@1.0.1/dist/bootstrap-toc.min.js"></script>
2020-12-28 00:14:10 +08:00
<div id="toc-wrapper" class="pl-0 pr-4 mb-5">
<span class="pl-3 pt-2 mb-2">
2021-07-21 01:01:09 +08:00
{{- site.data.locales[site.lang].panel.toc | default: 'Contents' -}}
2020-12-28 00:14:10 +08:00
<nav id="toc" data-toggle="toc"></nav>
2019-10-29 17:05:28 +08:00
{% endif %}
2019-10-29 14:09:58 +08:00
2019-12-31 23:17:27 +08:00
</div> <!-- #panel-wrapper -->