If you would like to run or build the project on your local machine, please follow the [Jekyll Docs](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/) to complete the installation of `Ruby`, `RubyGems` and `Bundler`.
Before running or building for the first time, please complete the installation of the Jekyll plugins. Go to the root directory of project and run:
$ bundle install
`bundle` will automatically install all the dependencies specified by `Gemfile`.
In order to generate some extra files (*categories*, *tags* and *last modified list*), we need to use some tool scripts. And they require dependency package [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq#install) to be installed. What's more, if your machine is running Debian or macOS, you also need to install [GNU coreutils](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/):
Running [**Chirpy**](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/) requires some extra files, which cannot be generated by Jekyll native commands, so please strictly follow the methods mentioned below to run or deploy your website.
2. If you use the `--no-gh` option, the directory `.github` will be deleted. Otherwise, setup the GitHub Action workflow by removing extension `.hook` of `.github/workflows/pages-deploy.yml.hook`, and then remove the other files and directories in folder `.github`.
Few days later, you may find that the file changes does not refresh in real time by using `run.sh`. Don't worry, the advanced option `-r` (or `--realtime`) will solve this problem, but it requires [**fswatch**](http://emcrisostomo.github.io/fswatch/) to be installed on your machine.
Before the deployment begins, checkout the file `_config.yml` and make sure the `url` is configured correctly. Furthermore, if you prefer the [*project site*](https://help.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/about-github-pages#types-of-github-pages-sites) and don't use a custom domain, or you want to visit your website with a base url on a web server other than **GitHub Pages**, remember to change the `baseurl` to your project name that starting with a slash. For example, `/project`.
For security reasons, GitHub Pages build runs on `safe` mode, which restricts us from using tool scripts to generate additional page files. Therefore, we can use GitHub Actions to build the site, store the built site files on a new branch, and use that branch as the source of the Pages service.
1. Push any commit to `origin/master` to trigger the GitHub Actions workflow. Once the build is complete, a new remote branch called `gh-pages` will appear, which is used to store the built site files.
2. Unless you prefer to project sites, rename your repository to `<username>.github.io` on GitHub.
3. Choose branch `gh-pages` as the [publishing source](https://docs.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-your-github-pages-site) for your GitHub Pages site.
On platforms other than GitHub, e.g. GitLab, we cannot enjoy the convenience of **GitHub Actions**. However, we have a tool to make up for this shortcoming.
Commit the changes of your repository first, then run the publish script:
> Please note that the *Recent Update* list requires the latest git-log date of posts, thus make sure the changes in `_posts` have been committed before running this command.
It will automatically generates the *Latest Modified Date* and *Categories / Tags* page for the posts and submit a commit, then push to `origin/master`. Its output is similar to the following log: