2024-02-28 00:51:33 +04:00
{% assign video_url = include.src %}
2024-04-04 20:54:50 +04:00
{% assign title = include.title %}
2024-02-28 00:51:33 +04:00
{% assign poster_url = include.poster %}
2024-04-04 20:54:50 +04:00
{% assign types = include.types | default: '' | strip | split: '|' %}
2024-02-28 00:51:33 +04:00
{% unless video_url contains '://' %}
{%- capture video_url -%}
2024-04-04 20:54:50 +04:00
{% include img-url.html src=video_url %}
2024-02-28 00:51:33 +04:00
{%- endcapture -%}
{% endunless %}
{% if poster_url %}
{% unless poster_url contains '://' %}
{%- capture poster_url -%}
{% include img-url.html src=poster_url img_path=page.img_path %}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% endunless %}
{% assign poster = 'poster="' | append: poster_url | append: '"' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign attributes = 'controls' %}
{% if include.autoplay %}
{% assign attributes = attributes | append: ' ' | append: 'autoplay' %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.loop %}
{% assign attributes = attributes | append: ' ' | append: 'loop' %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.muted %}
{% assign attributes = attributes | append: ' ' | append: 'muted' %}
{% endif %}
2024-04-04 20:54:50 +04:00
<video class="embed-video file" {{ poster }} {{ attributes }}>
{% assign extension = video_url | split: '.' | last %}
{% assign types = extension | concat: types %}
{% assign ext_size = extension | size %}
{% assign src_size = video_url | size %}
{% assign slice_size = src_size | minus: ext_size %}
{% assign filepath = video_url | slice: 0, slice_size %}
{% for type in types %}
{% assign src = filepath | append: type %}
{% assign media_item = site.data.media | find: 'extension', type %}
{% assign mime_type = media_item.mime_type | default: type %}
<source src="{{ src }}" type="video/{{ mime_type }}">
{% endfor %}
Your browser does not support the video tag. Here is a
<a href="{{ video_url | strip }}">link to the video file</a> instead.
2024-02-28 00:51:33 +04:00
2024-04-04 20:54:50 +04:00
{% if title %}
<em>{{ title }}</em>
{% endif %}
2024-02-28 00:51:33 +04:00