A minimal, portfolio, sidebar, bootstrap Jekyll theme with responsive web design and focuses on text presentation. Hope you like it! [Live Demo »](https://chirpy.cotes.info)
Follow the [Jekyll Docs](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/) to complete the installtion of basic environment (Ruby, RubyGem, Bundler and Jekyll). In addition, to use the funny script tools, we also need to install [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)(version 3.5 or abover) and [ruamel.yaml](https://pypi.org/project/ruamel.yaml/).
>**Note**: The *Recent Update* list requires the latest git-log date of posts, thus make sure the changes in `_posts` have been committed before running this command.
Open a brower and visit <http://localhost:4000>.
Few days later, you may find that the file changes does not refresh in real time by using `run.sh`. Don't worry, the advanced option `-r` (or `--realtime`) will solve this problem, but it requires [**fswatch**](http://emcrisostomo.github.io/fswatch/) to be installed on your machine.
Before the deployment begins, ensure the `url` in `_config.yml` has been set to `https://<username>.github.io`.
#### Option 1: Built by GitHub Pages
By deploying your site in this way, you can push the source code to GitHub repository directly.
> **Note**: If you want to add any third-party Jekyll plugins or custom scripts to your project, please refer to [*Option 2: Build locally*](#option-2-build-locally).
**1**. Rename your repository as `<username>.github.io`.
**2**. Commit the changes of your repository, then run the initialization script:
$ bash init.sh
It will automatically generates the *Latest Modified Date* and *Categories / Tags* page for the posts.
**3**. Push the changes to `origin/master` then go to GitHub website and enable GitHub Pages service for the repository `<username>.github.io`.
**4**. Visit `https://<username>.github.io` and enjoy.
For security reasons, GitHub Pages runs on `safe` mode, which means the third-party Jekyll plugins or custom scripts will not work. If you want to use any another third-party Jekyll plugins, **your have to build locally rather than on GitHub Pages**.
**1**. On GitHub website, create a brand new repository with name `<username>.github.io` and then clone it locally.
**2**. Build your site by:
$ bash build.sh -d /path/to/<username>.github.io/
The build results will be stored in the root directory of `<username>.github.io` and don't forget to push the changes of `<username>.github.io` to branch `master` on GitHub.
**3**. Go to GitHub website and enable GitHub Pages service for the new repository `<username>.github.io`.
For more information, please see the [tutorial](https://chirpy.cotes.info/categories/tutorial/). In the meanwhile, a copy of the tutorial is also available on the [Wiki](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/wiki).