Rename URLHandler and KoreUtil classes to InternalUrlsHandler and KoreUtils.
Move InternalUrlsHandler, KoreUtils, TextLinkfier, ShareUtils classes to external_communication subpackage.
Remove unused param showPreviewText in shareText method of ShareUtils class.
Add initial work to be able to display an image preview of the content shared (not for downloads).
Use a better regular expression to parse timestamps in plain text descriptions.
This commit tries to change the title of the system chooser shown, which is from Android System ("Open links with"), when no defaut browser is present, for the update notification.
Add a boolean param, showToast, in ShareUtils.openIntentInApp and only show toast "No app on your device can open this" if this boolean is true.
Fix the action of play with Kodi button by applying the fix provided in #5599 (adding the flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to the intent in NavigationHelper.playWithKore method).
Do also some cleanup in viewWithFileProvider and shareFile methods of MissionAdapter class.
This commit adds support for opening plain text timestamps by parsing the description text using a regular expression, add a click listener for each timestamp which opens the popup player at the indicated time in the timestamp.
In order to do this, playOnPopup method of the URLHandler class. Also, handleUrl method of this class has been renamed to canHandleUrl.
This commit adds support of opening recognized timestamps in the popup
player instead of starting an intent which opens the YouTube website with
the video timestamp.
Revert "Annotate methode parameters as NonNull"
This reverts commit 004907d306.
Revert "Commit path immediately when import backup"
This reverts commit 05eb0d0fbe.
Revert "Set ImportExportDataPath only on successful import"
This reverts commit f13a1b04e6.
Revert "Set ImportExportDataPath only on successful export"
This reverts commit fd4408e572.
Revert "Invert if condition in ContentSettingsFragment.setImportExportDataPath for better readability"
This reverts commit 92ab9cae27.
Revert "Move ContentSettingsFragment.isValidPath to helpers and add unit test for it."
This reverts commit fa2b11b768.
Revert "Save backup import/export location for feature import/exports"
This reverts commit 82f43ac6a6.
Remove FilePathHelperTest file