* still need to use the start position value stored in the PlayVideoActivity's Intent bundle, to set the VideoView using seekTo()
* need to test timestamp extraction regex, and possibly move it somewhere else
*need to find a better way to get the startPosition value to ActionBarHandler, which I thought used VideoInfo objects, but apparently doesn't
* currently there is a small setStartPosition() method
* moved on to version 0.6.0
* fixed youtube url sicnature encryption (vevo videos can be watched again)
* removed play action from the ActionBar
* rolled back changes for hiding the InfoBar inside PlayVideoActivity
* some small layout changes
* removed some files to be ignored (mostly inside .idea directory)
* etc
- made "could not find a streamingplayer" thing inside ActionBarHandler yield stacktraces
- remove watermark
- fixed fab layout
- changed version number to 0.5.0