- mini player's title, image and author information will be updated in many situations but the main idea is that the info will be the same as currently playing stream. If nothing played then you'll see the info about currently opened stream in fragment. When MainPlayer service stops the info updates too
- made ExpandableSurfaceView to replace AspectRatioFrameLayout. The reason for that is to make possible to use aspect ratio mode ZOOM. It's impossible to show a stream inside AspectRatioFrameLayout with ZOOM mode and to fit the video view to a screen space at the same time. Now the new view able to do that and to show vertical videos in a slightly wide space for them
- refactored some methods to make the code more understandable
- made fixes for player view for landscape-to-landscape orientation change
- added Java docs
- adapted swipe tracking inside bottom sheet
- fixed PlayQueue crashes on clearing
- paddings for popup player now as small as possible
Changed android.R.string.ok, which is "OK", into R.string.finish, which is also OK, but from our strings
Then for a small amount of languages that don't have Android translation, it will show the good string.
renamed NewPipe's language into App language, and same for all the
concerning thing (keys, comments…)
we now call assureCorrectAppLanguage(CONTEXT) in activities needing it
instead of changeAppLanguage(getAppLocale(CONTEXT), RESOURCES)
changeAppLanguage becomes private.
After long clicking on a local playlist, show a dialog with 2 options for "rename" and "delete"
Rename shows another dialog to let the user rename the playlist.
Delete lets the user delete a playlist like before.
This is a hardly reproduceable bug that I hopefully fixed. After a long time of watching videos, you could have your system language shown in playback parameters dialog.
Calling changeAppLanguage(getAppLocale(…),…) onCreate will most certainly fix this bug