- add HistoryInfoItem (deriving from StreamInfoItem)
in order to add a special options menu for the list items
- delete HistoryActivity and everything that belongs to its UI (not the
manager tho)
- put everything that is local into local. (subscriptions still missing)
* Added a dropdown to video & audio settings
* Changes to ListHelper:
** Limits resolution when code requests the default video resolution
** Limits audio bitrate when code requests the default audio bitrate
** Removed some dead code and did some cleanup
** Make methods private/protected to help understand what was in use
** The code now chooses one format over an other using a simple raking system defined in array constants. I realized I needed to do this in order to choose the most efficient video stream. I did my best to evaluate the video and audio formats based on quality and efficiency. It's not an exact science.
** Made changes to the tests to support my changes
-Modified playback speed control to use quadratic sliders instead of linear.
-Modified number formatters in player helper to use double instead of float.
-Simplified slider behavior in playback parameter dialog.
-Fixed potential NPE in base local fragment.
-Changed play queue items to display service names.
-Fixed Soundcloud playlist not fitting thumbnail.
-Refactored image display options to follow uniform behavior.
-Refactoring and style changes on audio reactor and media button receiver.
-Added button to wipe metadata cache.
-Added more paddings on player buttons.
-Added new animations to main player secondary controls and play queue expand/collapse.
-Refactored play queue item touch callback for use in all players.
-Improved MediaSourceManager to better handle expired stream reloading.
-[#1186] Changed live sync button text to "LIVE".
-Removed MediaSourceManager loader coupling on main players.
-Moved service dependent expiry resolution to ServiceHelper.
-[#1186] Fixed livestream timeline updates causing negative time position.
-[#1186] Fixed livestream not starting from live-edge.
-Fixed main player system UI not retracting on playback start.
- Import subscriptions from YouTube and SoundCloud (all services that the extractor support)
- Import/export a JSON representation of the subscriptions
- [Minor] Remove some javax annotations in favor of the one provided by the android support library
-Added nonnull and final constraints to variables in MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints on context related objects in BasePlayer.
-Fixed Hls livestreams crashing player when behind live window for too long.
-Fixed cache miss when InfoCache key mismatch between StreamInfo and StreamInfoItem.
-Fixed live media sources failing when using cached data source by introducing
cacheless data sources.
-Added custom track selector to circumvent ExoPlayer's language normalization NPE.
-Updated Extractor to correctly load live streams.
-Removed deprecated deferred media source and media source manager.
-Removed Livestream exceptions.
-Enabled reordering, renaming, removing of items on playlist fragment.
-Enabled removal of dangling streams entries when history is cleared.
-Changed playlist append menu item to icon on service player activity.
-Added adapter and builder for local items, removed dependency on infoitem and existing infolist for database entry items.
-Removed watch history entity and DAO.
-Extracted info item selected listener to remove adding boilerplate code when long click functionality is optional.
-Fixed query returning no record on left join when right table is empty.
-Added UI for watch history and most played fragments.
-Added stream state table for storing playback timestamp and future usage.
-Enabled playlist deletion.
- Every service now have its own colors
- Fix bug navigation button and backstack count
- Fix and themed properly the icons and colors of the main fragment tabs
- Re-organized the styles and colors (too much in one file)