* fix socket leak in "DownloadRunnable"
* in "DownloadInitializer" close the HTTP body after doing range-request checks
* in "DownloadRunnableFallback" fix typo in comment
* in "DownloadDialog" fix regression, using one thread for audios instead of subtitles
Common actions and labels are now in a unique enum: StreamDialogEntry
If an action is not common to every long-press menu (e.g. delete) a custom action has to be provided using e.g. delete.setAction(...)
* re-write download segmenting logic (issue #).
* clean-up download threads handling.
* fix race-condition if "pause" option in download context menu was selected, in the transition from "pending" to "finished" state.
this ammends my obviously incomplete fix in PR #2311.
This is just an UI issue. Subtitle track selection works, it just shows "No Captions" unfortunately.
* improve space reserving, allows write better 4K/8K video data
* do not use cache dirs in the muxers, Android can force close NewPipe if the device is running out of storage. Is a aggressive cache cleaning >:/
* (for devs) webm & mkv are the same thing
* calculate the final file size inside of the mission, instead getting from the UI
* simplify ps algorithms constructors
* [missing old commit message] simplify the loading of pending downloads
* use Java I/O (classic way) on older android versions
* use Storage Access Framework on newer android versions (Android Lollipop or later)
* both changes have the external SD Card write permission
* add option to ask the save path on each download
* warn the user if the save paths are not defined, this only happens on the first NewPipe run (Android Lollipop or later)