- added autoplay options inside settings: always, only on wifi, never
- now statusbar will be shown in fullscreen mode
- playlists, channels can be autoplayed too (if enabled)
- changed title of background activity to Play queue
- fixed a crash
- wrote more methods to PlayQueue. Now it supports internal history of played items with ability to play previous() item. Also it has equals() to check whether queues has the same content or not
- backstack in fragment is more powerful now with help of PlayQueue's history and able to work great with playlists' PlayQueue and SinglePlayQueue at the same time
- simplified logic inside fragment. Easy to understand. New PlayQueue will be added in backstack from only one place; less number of setInitialData() calls
- BasePlayer now able to check PlayQueue and compare it with currently playing. And if it is the same queue it tries to not init() it twice. It gives possibility to have a great backstack in fragment since the same queue will not be played from two different instances and will not be added to backstack twice with duplicated history inside
- better support of Player.STATE_IDLE
- worked with layouts of player and made them better and more universal
- service will be stopped when activity finishes by a user decision
- fixed a problem related to ChannelPlayQueue and PlaylistPlayQueue in initial start of fragment
- fixed crash in popup
- hide/show controls with respect of SystemUI. In fullscreen mode controls will stay away from NavigationBar
- notification from running service will be hidden if a user disabled background playback
- fixed incorrect handling of a system method in API 19
- better MultiWindow support
- popup player click event changed to show/hide buttons
- queue panel WORKS. Finally
- removed theme overriding in fragment
- added scroll to top after stream selection
- adjusted padding/margin of buttons in player
- player will itself in fullscreen after user hides it in fullscreen mode and then expands it again while video still playing
- popup after orientation change had incorrect allowed bounds for swiping
- popup could cause a crash after many quick switches to main player and back
- better method of setting fullscreen/non-fullscreen layout using thumbnail view. Also fixed thumbnail height in fullscreen layout
- global settings observer didn't work when a user closed a service manually via notification because it checked for service existing
- app will now exits from fullscreen mode when the user switches players
- playQueuePanel has visibility "gone" by default (not "invisible") because "invisible" can cause problems