Now only the subscriptions from the selected group by the user will be
Also add an option to decide how much time have to pass since the last
refresh before the subscription is deemed as not up to date. This helps
when a subscription appear in multiple groups, since updating in one
will not require to be fetched again in the others.
- Introduce Groupie for easier lists implementations
- Use some of the new components of the Android Architecture libraries
- Add a bunch of icons for groups, using vectors, which still is
compatible with older APIs through the compatibility layer
- vertical videos now work ok in portrait and fullscreen mode at the same time
- auto pause on back press is disabled for large tablets
- large dragable area for swipe to bottom in fullscreen mode in place of top controls
- appbar will be scrolled to top when entering in fullscreen mode
With the extractor PR, fixes title & description shown in the wrong language.
Fixed views / spectators counts possibly in the wrong language
Fixed live spectators not showing full count on detail page
Fixed LIVE shown on players, it shows translated instead
Fixed Videos string in search / three dots not available in Weblate
(because it was videos, but there already was a plural string named videos, in Weblate)
Subscriber count is always giving the short count.
We can't get exact number since this YouTube update:
But only short count (B, M, k), so showing full number, eg for 1.9M: 1,900,000, is wrong because the number could be 1,923,490 or 1,897,789…
Added a « sytem default » option to content language and country language selector.
It's the one selected by default (not en-GB anymore then), and correspond to the
language of the system / country of the system
By system I mean phone, tablet, TV…
Fixed russian showing - before time ago (eg 19hrs ago)
This is a workaround fix, I opened an issue on prettytime library repo.
Fixed russian plurals:
other was used instead of many for videos and subscribers
Fixed seek_duration english only
- made scrolling in appBarLayout awesome
- PlayQueue layout was intercepting touches while it was in GONE visibility state. Now it's not gonna happen
- removed margin between two lines of player's controls
- when a user leaves the app with two back presses the app will not stop MainPlayer service if popup or background players play
- mini player's title, image and author information will be updated in many situations but the main idea is that the info will be the same as currently playing stream. If nothing played then you'll see the info about currently opened stream in fragment. When MainPlayer service stops the info updates too
- made ExpandableSurfaceView to replace AspectRatioFrameLayout. The reason for that is to make possible to use aspect ratio mode ZOOM. It's impossible to show a stream inside AspectRatioFrameLayout with ZOOM mode and to fit the video view to a screen space at the same time. Now the new view able to do that and to show vertical videos in a slightly wide space for them
- refactored some methods to make the code more understandable
- made fixes for player view for landscape-to-landscape orientation change
- added Java docs
- adapted swipe tracking inside bottom sheet
- fixed PlayQueue crashes on clearing
- paddings for popup player now as small as possible
- status bar got a fix for situation when a phone vendor did not provide status bar height for landscape orientation
- popup will not be init'd twice
- also fixed some non-reproduceable bugs
- added autoplay options inside settings: always, only on wifi, never
- now statusbar will be shown in fullscreen mode
- playlists, channels can be autoplayed too (if enabled)
- changed title of background activity to Play queue
- fixed a crash
- wrote more methods to PlayQueue. Now it supports internal history of played items with ability to play previous() item. Also it has equals() to check whether queues has the same content or not
- backstack in fragment is more powerful now with help of PlayQueue's history and able to work great with playlists' PlayQueue and SinglePlayQueue at the same time
- simplified logic inside fragment. Easy to understand. New PlayQueue will be added in backstack from only one place; less number of setInitialData() calls
- BasePlayer now able to check PlayQueue and compare it with currently playing. And if it is the same queue it tries to not init() it twice. It gives possibility to have a great backstack in fragment since the same queue will not be played from two different instances and will not be added to backstack twice with duplicated history inside
- better support of Player.STATE_IDLE
- worked with layouts of player and made them better and more universal
- service will be stopped when activity finishes by a user decision
- fixed a problem related to ChannelPlayQueue and PlaylistPlayQueue in initial start of fragment
- fixed crash in popup
- hide/show controls with respect of SystemUI. In fullscreen mode controls will stay away from NavigationBar
- notification from running service will be hidden if a user disabled background playback
- fixed incorrect handling of a system method in API 19
- better MultiWindow support
- popup player click event changed to show/hide buttons
- queue panel WORKS. Finally
- removed theme overriding in fragment
- added scroll to top after stream selection
- adjusted padding/margin of buttons in player
- player will itself in fullscreen after user hides it in fullscreen mode and then expands it again while video still playing
- popup after orientation change had incorrect allowed bounds for swiping
- popup could cause a crash after many quick switches to main player and back
- better method of setting fullscreen/non-fullscreen layout using thumbnail view. Also fixed thumbnail height in fullscreen layout
- global settings observer didn't work when a user closed a service manually via notification because it checked for service existing
- app will now exits from fullscreen mode when the user switches players
- playQueuePanel has visibility "gone" by default (not "invisible") because "invisible" can cause problems
- main, background, popup players now connected via one service, one view, one fragment, one activity and one gesture listener
- playback position is synchronized between players. Easy to switch from one to another
- expandable player at the bottom of the screen with cool animation and additional features like long click to open channel of a video, play/pause/close buttons and swipe down to dismiss
- in-player integrated buttons for opening in browser, playing with Kodi, sharing a video
- better background playback that can be activated in settings. Allows to automatically switch to audio-only mode when going to background and then switching to video-mode when returning to the app.
FocusFinder has glitches when some of target Views have different size.
Fortunately LayoutManager can redefine focus search strategy to override
the default behavior.
GridLayoutManager is buggy -
it randomly loses or incorrectly assigns focus when being scrolled via
direction-based navigation. This commit reimplements onFocusSearchFailed()
on top of scrollBy() to work around that problem.
Ordinary touch-based navigation should not be affected.