-[#919] Fixed custom notification does not trigger unlocking on lockscreen.
-[#947] Fixes player crashing on internet outage, issue partially addressed.
-Fixed main player losing state after destroy while in background.
-Fixed main player controls not hiding automatically after orientation change.
-Fixed dialog uploader not marqueeing when too long.
-Fixed popup permission throwing NPE on BaseList.
-Refactored popup permissions to start in NavigationHelper.
-Extracted hardcoded string for player menus.
-Bump Java version to 1.8.
-Some lambda conversions.
-Added quality record to play queue items.
-Added quality and recovery record play queue events.
-Added landscape view for ServicePlayerActivity.
-Moved repeat and shuffle button to play queue panel in main video player.
-Fixed potential NPE in MediaSourceManager by no longer nulling play queue on dispose.
-Renamed PlayQueueEvent to PlayQueueEventType.
-Renamed PlayQueueMessage to PlayQueueEvent.
-Added previous and next button on main video player.
-Reverted double tap to seek for popup and main video players.
-Improved shuffling to use recovery record.
-Changed shuffling to place current playing stream to top of queue.
-Fixed exception when removing last item on queue.
-Changed fast forward and rewind button to previous and next on background notification.
-Changed background notification to not update when screen is off and update immediately when screen is turned back on.
-Removed unused intent strings.
-Changed "Append" to "Enqueue" for append text.
-Fixed video players does not resolve to preferred quality on playlists.
-Refactored resolution conversion to Localization.
-Fixed video player quality menu building exception when stream info is not yet available.
-Added long clicks for popup and background player buttons on details fragment for append intents.
-Removed restrictions for preventing UI to show up when player is buffering.
-Fixed icons for all repeat modes.
-Added Progress bar to background activity when player is in not ready state.
-Fixed Track Selection when switching between video and audio only on video players.
-Fixed video player to enable tunnelling only after sdk > 21.
-Fixed activity exception from restarting after service is shutdown on earlier sdk versions.
-Fixed sync updates out-of-sync on background notification.
-Fixed main video player destroyed on resume.
-Fixed track selection using wrong dimension for parameter.
-Fixed background player to use default audio quality.
-Removed quality index from single queue items.