The wrong @Decorator was put in the wrong place to mark the throwable fieldd as transient, now this is fixed and the exception is not serialized. So if a non-serializable throwable is passed, that's not an issue, since it's not going to be serialized. The need for EnsureExceptionSerializable is also gone.
Rename URLHandler and KoreUtil classes to InternalUrlsHandler and KoreUtils.
Move InternalUrlsHandler, KoreUtils, TextLinkfier, ShareUtils classes to external_communication subpackage.
Remove unused param showPreviewText in shareText method of ShareUtils class.
Add initial work to be able to display an image preview of the content shared (not for downloads).
Use a better regular expression to parse timestamps in plain text descriptions.
Add a boolean param, showToast, in ShareUtils.openIntentInApp and only show toast "No app on your device can open this" if this boolean is true.
Fix the action of play with Kodi button by applying the fix provided in #5599 (adding the flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK to the intent in NavigationHelper.playWithKore method).
Do also some cleanup in viewWithFileProvider and shareFile methods of MissionAdapter class.
In Downloader view, while deleting items, Snackbars at the
bottom of the UI keep queuing up. You need to wait for all
of them to dismiss themselves for files to actually be
deleted. If you close NewPipe before all snackbars are
dismissed, your files will not be deleted and show up again
next time you start NewPipe.
When running append(), trigger the commit() action
immediately and cancel all delayed callbacks for commit().
This prevents Snackbars from stacking up in reverse order.
It will be shown even when nothing could be loaded not due to a network error, and the user can choose to ignore or report it.
Also improve error reporting arguments
Also completely refactor error activity
Also improve some code here and there
Apply the requested changes, use ShareUtils.shareText to share an stream in the play queue and optimize imports for Java files, using Android Studio functionality.
Apply the requested changes and do little improvements
Apply the requested changes, use ShareUtils.shareText to share an stream in the play queue and optimize imports for Java files, using Android Studio functionality.
Improve NewPipe's share on some devices + fix crash when no browser is set on some devices
Catching ActivityNotFoundException when trying to open the default browser
Use an ACTION_CHOOSER intent and put as an extra intent the intent to
open an URI / share an URI when no default app is set.
Add a LinkHelper class which set a custom action when clicking web links
in the description of a content. This class also helps to implement a confirmation dialog when trying to open web links in an external app.
For all manually-created images PNG have been kept.
- rename all icon attrs to have a `ic_` prefix
- always use `_24dp` icons, because there is no real difference, since they are vector drawables
- always use the original name found on for icon drawables, as to not create confusion and possibly duplicates. Icon names can still be different from real drawable names, though I have made some of them compliant to this or maybe more meaningul.
- remove duplicate `getIconByAttr()` in ThemeHelper (use `resolveResourceIdFromAttr()`
- use standard icons for `expand_more` and `expand_less` instead of triangles
- use `play_button_outline` instead of custom PNG as play button in VideoDetailFragment (questionable, as there is no shadow anymore)
Changed android.R.string.ok, which is "OK", into R.string.finish, which is also OK, but from our strings
Then for a small amount of languages that don't have Android translation, it will show the good string.