- bugfix: have ServiceConnection created only once!
- select the context within the PlayerHolder to start, stop, bind or unbind the service
-> we have to make sure the Service is started AND stopped within the same context
-> so let PlayerHolder be the one to select the context
- remove removeListener() and replace the call with setListener(null)
- Compatibility: use ContextCompat.startForegroundService instead of startService()
instead use service.stopService() which inturn calls stopSelf() and
triggers hopefully onDestroy() to be called. Eventually we have to make
sure that all ServiceConnections are closed to successfully stop the service
Cleanup within stopService() and not only onDestroy()
So we make sure that all listeners can react to onServiceStopped()
and close their ServiceConnections. Afterwards the android framework
is ready to stop the Service.
Rename URLHandler and KoreUtil classes to InternalUrlsHandler and KoreUtils.
Move InternalUrlsHandler, KoreUtils, TextLinkfier, ShareUtils classes to external_communication subpackage.
Remove unused param showPreviewText in shareText method of ShareUtils class.
Add initial work to be able to display an image preview of the content shared (not for downloads).
Use a better regular expression to parse timestamps in plain text descriptions.
- Add early return for invalid sizes to shuffle
- Rename variables to be more descriptive
- Refactor moving list element, removing unnecessary operations
- Unwrap if clause for adding to history because the condition is
guaranteed by the guard clause
- Inline the value 0 for the ReorderEvent
- Update documentation to reflect new changes
Original did not cover the case of when streams is empty and
documentation does not specify any input restrictions.
There's an ambiguity with broadcasting an event between the
documentation and the actual code (see TODO).
This was caused by too large end screen thumbnails enlarging the whole palyer. Fixed by scaling the thumbnail.
Ensure that the player does not use the whole screen height in detail fragment to keep the additional content like title, comments, etc. available.
I think the settings key "last_resize_mode" is ambiguous. While it is used to get the recently used resize mode, someone thought while working on the resize mode switcher, that the old (to be replaced) resize mode should be stored.