- Import subscriptions from YouTube and SoundCloud (all services that the extractor support)
- Import/export a JSON representation of the subscriptions
- [Minor] Remove some javax annotations in favor of the one provided by the android support library
-Added toggle to enable auto-queuing.
-Modified main video player to only pause the video onPause.
-Fixed main video player not saving play queue state onStop.
-Improved player sync calls to recognize different metadata updates.
-Changed MediaSourceManager to synchronize only after timeline changes and reenabled multiple sync calls to player.
-Renamed listener and synchronization methods related to MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints to variables in MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints on context related objects in BasePlayer.
-Fixed Hls livestreams crashing player when behind live window for too long.
-Fixed cache miss when InfoCache key mismatch between StreamInfo and StreamInfoItem.
-Modified LoadController to allow fast playback start and increased buffer zigzag window.
-Removed unnecessary loading on timeline changes.
-Changed select message in MediaSourceManager to cause immediate load.
-Reduced default expiration time in MediaSourceManager.
-Fixed main video player not showing end time on audio-only streams.
-Fixed live stream has player view disabled after transitioning from audio stream.
-Fixed inconsistent progress bar height between live and non-live video on main player.
-Fixed play queue playlist desynchronization caused by media source manager window loading expansion on sublist prior to current item.
-Fixed failed media source not treated as ready for playback.
-Added sync buttons on live streams to allow seeking to live edge.
-Added custom cache key for extractor sources to allow more persistent reuse.
-Refactored player data source factories into own class and separating live and non-live data sources.
-Extracted expiration time in media source manager.
-Re-enabled long click on live stream info items.
-Fixed dash source building to use mpd instead of extractor.
-Fixed live media sources failing when using cached data source by introducing
cacheless data sources.
-Added custom track selector to circumvent ExoPlayer's language normalization NPE.
-Updated Extractor to correctly load live streams.
-Removed deprecated deferred media source and media source manager.
-Removed Livestream exceptions.
-Added drag reorder speed clamping to play queue list.
-Fixed service player activity memory leak.
-Fixed media source manager sync disposable fallthrough causing NPE.
-Fixed thread bouncing during play queue item async stream resolution.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.6.0.
-Modified available resize options for different player modes.
-Fixed caption menu not working on popup player.
-Extracted hardcoded strings.
-Added button effects to both main and popup players.
-Refactored and restructured all LocalItem related fragments and dialogs.
-Added error logging to unmonitored single-use observables.
-Modified playlist metadata query to return by alphabetical order.
-Removed sending toast when playlist is renamed or deleted as it is obvious.
-Removed unused code in main fragment.
-Merged stream record manager into history record manager.
-Removed subject-based history database actions.
-Merged normalized history table into watch history fragment.
-Modified history fragments to use long click for delete actions.
-Refactored DAO operations from search fragment to record manager.
-Added index to search history table on search string.
-Fix baseplayer round repeat not detected by discontinuity.
-Added UI to create playlist from service player activity.
-Added state saving to playlist dialogs.
-Removed access to history activity on service player activity.
-Made StreamEntity serializable.
-Added UI for watch history and most played fragments.
-Added stream state table for storing playback timestamp and future usage.
-Enabled playlist deletion.
-[#919] Fixed custom notification does not trigger unlocking on lockscreen.
-[#947] Fixes player crashing on internet outage, issue partially addressed.
-Fixed main player losing state after destroy while in background.
-Fixed main player controls not hiding automatically after orientation change.
-Fixed dialog uploader not marqueeing when too long.
-Fixed popup permission throwing NPE on BaseList.
-Refactored popup permissions to start in NavigationHelper.
-Extracted hardcoded string for player menus.
-Bump Java version to 1.8.
-Some lambda conversions.