- popup after orientation change had incorrect allowed bounds for swiping
- popup could cause a crash after many quick switches to main player and back
- better method of setting fullscreen/non-fullscreen layout using thumbnail view. Also fixed thumbnail height in fullscreen layout
- global settings observer didn't work when a user closed a service manually via notification because it checked for service existing
- app will now exits from fullscreen mode when the user switches players
- playQueuePanel has visibility "gone" by default (not "invisible") because "invisible" can cause problems
- main, background, popup players now connected via one service, one view, one fragment, one activity and one gesture listener
- playback position is synchronized between players. Easy to switch from one to another
- expandable player at the bottom of the screen with cool animation and additional features like long click to open channel of a video, play/pause/close buttons and swipe down to dismiss
- in-player integrated buttons for opening in browser, playing with Kodi, sharing a video
- better background playback that can be activated in settings. Allows to automatically switch to audio-only mode when going to background and then switching to video-mode when returning to the app.
Video descriptions can be very long. Some of them are
basically walls of text with couple of lines at top or bottom.
They are also not scrolled within TextView itself, - instead
NewPipe expects user to scroll their containing ViewGroup.
This renders all builtin MovementMethod implementations useless.
This commit adds a new MovementMethod, that uses requestRectangleOnScreen
to intelligently re-position the TextView within it's scrollable container.