Scenario: listening to a video on NewPipe over Bluetooth and a Notification Sound causes audio focus event AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK.
Problem: With the current implementation animateAudio would cause the audio to reach the target volume AFTER the notification sound is played, which is irritating and annoying.
Solution: animateAudio should just be used on focusGain where it is sensible to increase audio gradually. On ducking event the reaction should be immediate.
This very simple fix does this. Please approve.
* allow retry downloads with "post-processing failed" error in the new muxer
* MPEG-4 muxer ¡¡ no DASH output!!
* keep the progress if download fails
* remove TODO in
* misc clean-up
* delete
* delete and remove it from AndroidManifest.xml
* use hardcored version for changing icon colors
* add null checks before resuming a download
* ( reset percent after resuming a download. prevents the "Error" string get stuck, until the download start
* fast download pausing
* fix UI thread blocking when calling pause()
* check running threads before start the download
* fix null pointer exception in onDestroy in the download service, without calling onCreate method (android 8)
* misc code clean-up
* fix weird download speed, before switching the list view
* fix getting stuck on post-processing huge files >2GiB
* keep crashed post-processing downloads visible to the user