-Fixed video players does not resolve to preferred quality on playlists.
-Refactored resolution conversion to Localization.
-Fixed video player quality menu building exception when stream info is not yet available.
-Added long clicks for popup and background player buttons on details fragment for append intents.
-Removed restrictions for preventing UI to show up when player is buffering.
-Fixed icons for all repeat modes.
-Added Progress bar to background activity when player is in not ready state.
-Fixed Track Selection when switching between video and audio only on video players.
-Fixed video player to enable tunnelling only after sdk > 21.
-Fixed activity exception from restarting after service is shutdown on earlier sdk versions.
-Added icons for shuffle and drag handle.
-Fixed exception when returning to background player activity after service shuts down.
-Fixed open detail only working for Youtube.
- Added remove and open detail as long click popup dropdown on background player.
- Vastly simplified list manipulation in MediaSourceManager by delegating most control to DynamicConcatenatingMediaSource.
- Fixed media source resolution on background player for streams without an audio only stream.
- Fixed background player not updating when screen turns back on.
- Fixed background player notification switching to wrong repeat mode icon opacity on click.
Add search and watch history
* Make MainActicity a single task
* Remove some casting
* SearchFragment: start searching when created with query
* Handle settings change in onResume
* History: Log pop up and background playback
* History: Add swipe to remove functionallity
* Enable history by default
* Use stream item
* Store more information about the stream
* Integrate history database into AppDatabase
* Remove redundant casts
* Re-enable date converters
* History: Use Rx Java and run DB in background
* Also make HistoryDAO extend BasicDAO
* History: RX-ify swipe to remove
* Sort history entries by creation date
* History: Set toolbar title
* Don't repeat history entries
* Introduced setters so we can update entries in the database
* If the latest entry has the same (main) values, just update it