-Extracted version numbers in gradle dependencies.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.7.1.
-Updated RxJava to 2.1.10, RxAndroid to 2.0.2 and RxBinding to 2.1.1.
-Removed deprecated implementation of media buttons.
- Import subscriptions from YouTube and SoundCloud (all services that the extractor support)
- Import/export a JSON representation of the subscriptions
- [Minor] Remove some javax annotations in favor of the one provided by the android support library
- Every service now have its own colors
- Fix bug navigation button and backstack count
- Fix and themed properly the icons and colors of the main fragment tabs
- Re-organized the styles and colors (too much in one file)
- Fixed media source resolution on background player for streams without an audio only stream.
- Fixed background player not updating when screen turns back on.
- Fixed background player notification switching to wrong repeat mode icon opacity on click.
Add search and watch history
* Make MainActicity a single task
* Remove some casting
* SearchFragment: start searching when created with query
* Handle settings change in onResume
* History: Log pop up and background playback
* History: Add swipe to remove functionallity
* Enable history by default
* Use stream item
* Store more information about the stream
* Integrate history database into AppDatabase
* Remove redundant casts
* Re-enable date converters
* History: Use Rx Java and run DB in background
* Also make HistoryDAO extend BasicDAO
* History: RX-ify swipe to remove
* Sort history entries by creation date
* History: Set toolbar title
* Don't repeat history entries
* Introduced setters so we can update entries in the database
* If the latest entry has the same (main) values, just update it
- Migrate to fragments
- Fix#487
- Don't show "Open in popup mode" to channel links
- New backstack of videos
- Change the subscribers count to format using `NumberFormat`, for example some locales use `.` others `,`, this handles it automatically (and the old method had a bug for leading zero, e.g. 4.82.125 instead of 4.082.125)
- Add string 'subscribers' for channels with more than 1 subscriber (plural)
- Popup player chooses the default format and resolution based on the new preference (format)
- Fix taskaffinity of the router activities
- Show title before loading, as it is available from the items already loaded
* Fix permission at some places
* Fix access problem for downloaded files with external player
* Store finished Downloads
* Remove binding to DownloadService just to download a file
* Javadoc
* Code improvements
* ReCaptchas are implemented using a simple WebView with Javascript enable.
* All HTTP responses inside the WebView are catched (using onPageFinished())
** When Google reCatcha cookies are detected, register cookies to the
Downloader class and Return to MainActivity