- add HistoryInfoItem (deriving from StreamInfoItem)
in order to add a special options menu for the list items
- delete HistoryActivity and everything that belongs to its UI (not the
manager tho)
- put everything that is local into local. (subscriptions still missing)
-Changed main video player to always self-destruct on stop.
-Extracted main video player lifecycle states into separate data class.
-Fixed play queue in full repeat mode does not load first item after expiring.
-Refactored playlist manipulations out from media source manager.
-Fixed potential ArrayOutOfBound exception when checking if player window is live.
-Fixed service player play queue potentially not refreshing when current play queue is replaced.
-Added button to open captioning settings activity from appearance settings.
-Modified player captions to use custom caption style when captioning manager is enabled.
-Removed caption size settings from appearance settings.
-Modified playback speed control to use quadratic sliders instead of linear.
-Modified number formatters in player helper to use double instead of float.
-Simplified slider behavior in playback parameter dialog.
-Fixed potential NPE in base local fragment.
-Changed tempo and pitch button in service player activity and tempo button in main video player to open speed control dialog.
-Changed LIVE button to be no longer clickable when player position is at or beyond default position.
-Changed main video player to use AppCompatActivity rather than Activity.
-Fixed video player tempo button not updating when player speed parameters change.
-Fixed player crashing on lower sdk versions due to no MediaButtonReceiver, added intent back to manifest.
-Fixed inconsistent gradle library naming.
-Fixed stetho dependencies incorrect version.
-Extracted version numbers in gradle dependencies.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.7.1.
-Updated RxJava to 2.1.10, RxAndroid to 2.0.2 and RxBinding to 2.1.1.
-Removed deprecated implementation of media buttons.
-Fixed livestream not seeking to live when started from play queue.
-Fixed media source manager synchronization to only occur after timeline change has completed.
-Fixed auto queue not working when last item is replayed after the auto-queued item is removed.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.7.1.