diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/po_token.html b/app/src/main/assets/po_token.html
index 3b9b18100..b55c13261 100644
--- a/app/src/main/assets/po_token.html
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/po_token.html
@@ -1,204 +1,120 @@
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/JavaScriptUtil.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/JavaScriptUtil.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9169e2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/JavaScriptUtil.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package org.schabi.newpipe.util.potoken
+import com.grack.nanojson.JsonObject
+import com.grack.nanojson.JsonParser
+import com.grack.nanojson.JsonWriter
+import okio.ByteString.Companion.decodeBase64
+import okio.ByteString.Companion.toByteString
+ * Parses the raw challenge data obtained from the Create endpoint and returns an object that can be
+ * embedded in a JavaScript snippet.
+ */
+fun parseChallengeData(rawChallengeData: String): String {
+ val scrambled = JsonParser.array().from(rawChallengeData)
+ val challengeData = if (scrambled.size > 1 && scrambled.isString(1)) {
+ val descrambled = descramble(scrambled.getString(1))
+ JsonParser.array().from(descrambled)
+ } else {
+ scrambled.getArray(1)
+ }
+ val messageId = challengeData.getString(0)
+ val interpreterHash = challengeData.getString(3)
+ val program = challengeData.getString(4)
+ val globalName = challengeData.getString(5)
+ val clientExperimentsStateBlob = challengeData.getString(7)
+ val privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue = challengeData.getArray(1, null)?.find { it is String }
+ val privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue = challengeData.getArray(2, null)?.find { it is String }
+ return JsonWriter.string(
+ JsonObject.builder()
+ .value("messageId", messageId)
+ .`object`("interpreterJavascript")
+ .value("privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue", privateDoNotAccessOrElseSafeScriptWrappedValue)
+ .value("privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue", privateDoNotAccessOrElseTrustedResourceUrlWrappedValue)
+ .end()
+ .value("interpreterHash", interpreterHash)
+ .value("program", program)
+ .value("globalName", globalName)
+ .value("clientExperimentsStateBlob", clientExperimentsStateBlob)
+ .done()
+ )
+ * Parses the raw integrity token data obtained from the GenerateIT endpoint to a JavaScript
+ * `Uint8Array` that can be embedded directly in JavaScript code, and an [Int] representing the
+ * duration of this token in seconds.
+ */
+fun parseIntegrityTokenData(rawIntegrityTokenData: String): Pair {
+ val integrityTokenData = JsonParser.array().from(rawIntegrityTokenData)
+ return base64ToU8(integrityTokenData.getString(0)) to integrityTokenData.getLong(1)
+ * Converts a string (usually the identifier used as input to `obtainPoToken`) to a JavaScript
+ * `Uint8Array` that can be embedded directly in JavaScript code.
+ */
+fun stringToU8(identifier: String): String {
+ return newUint8Array(identifier.toByteArray())
+ * Takes a poToken encoded as a sequence of bytes represented as integers separated by commas
+ * (e.g. "97,98,99" would be "abc"), which is the output of `Uint8Array::toString()` in JavaScript,
+ * and converts it to the specific base64 representation for poTokens.
+ */
+fun u8ToBase64(poToken: String): String {
+ return poToken.split(",")
+ .map { it.toUByte().toByte() }
+ .toByteArray()
+ .toByteString()
+ .base64()
+ .replace("+", "-")
+ .replace("/", "_")
+ * Takes the scrambled challenge, decodes it from base64, adds 97 to each byte.
+ */
+private fun descramble(scrambledChallenge: String): String {
+ return base64ToByteString(scrambledChallenge)
+ .map { (it + 97).toByte() }
+ .toByteArray()
+ .decodeToString()
+ * Decodes a base64 string encoded in the specific base64 representation used by YouTube, and
+ * returns a JavaScript `Uint8Array` that can be embedded directly in JavaScript code.
+ */
+private fun base64ToU8(base64: String): String {
+ return newUint8Array(base64ToByteString(base64))
+private fun newUint8Array(contents: ByteArray): String {
+ return "new Uint8Array([" + contents.joinToString(separator = ",") { it.toUByte().toString() } + "])"
+ * Decodes a base64 string encoded in the specific base64 representation used by YouTube.
+ */
+private fun base64ToByteString(base64: String): ByteArray {
+ val base64Mod = base64
+ .replace('-', '+')
+ .replace('_', '/')
+ .replace('.', '=')
+ return (base64Mod.decodeBase64() ?: throw PoTokenException("Cannot base64 decode"))
+ .toByteArray()
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenProviderImpl.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenProviderImpl.kt
index ac3a9f402..5383a613a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenProviderImpl.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenProviderImpl.kt
@@ -58,12 +58,6 @@ object PoTokenProviderImpl : PoTokenProvider {
if (shouldRecreate) {
- // close the current webPoTokenGenerator on the main thread
- webPoTokenGenerator?.let { Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post { it.close() } }
- // create a new webPoTokenGenerator
- webPoTokenGenerator = PoTokenWebView
- .newPoTokenGenerator(App.getApp()).blockingGet()
val innertubeClientRequestInfo = InnertubeClientRequestInfo.ofWebClient()
innertubeClientRequestInfo.clientInfo.clientVersion =
@@ -78,6 +72,12 @@ object PoTokenProviderImpl : PoTokenProvider {
+ // close the current webPoTokenGenerator on the main thread
+ webPoTokenGenerator?.let { Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post { it.close() } }
+ // create a new webPoTokenGenerator
+ webPoTokenGenerator = PoTokenWebView
+ .newPoTokenGenerator(App.getApp()).blockingGet()
// The streaming poToken needs to be generated exactly once before generating
// any other (player) tokens.
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenWebView.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenWebView.kt
index 504ab0b0b..3ed5a0c75 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenWebView.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/schabi/newpipe/util/potoken/PoTokenWebView.kt
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
// supports a really old version of JS.
val fmt = "\"${m.message()}\", source: ${m.sourceId()} (${m.lineNumber()})"
+ val exception = BadWebViewException(fmt)
Log.e(TAG, "This WebView implementation is broken: $fmt")
- // This can only happen during initialization, where there is no try-catch
- onInitializationErrorCloseAndCancel(BadWebViewException(fmt))
+ onInitializationErrorCloseAndCancel(exception)
+ popAllPoTokenEmitters().forEach { (_, emitter) -> emitter.onError(exception) }
return super.onConsoleMessage(m)
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
{ html ->
- html.replace(
+ html.replaceFirst(
// calls downloadAndRunBotguard() when the page has finished loading
@@ -113,18 +114,21 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
"[ \"$REQUEST_KEY\" ]",
) { responseBody ->
+ val parsedChallengeData = parseChallengeData(responseBody)
- """(async function() {
- try {
- data = JSON.parse(String.raw`$responseBody`)
- result = await runBotGuard(data)
+ """try {
+ data = $parsedChallengeData
+ runBotGuard(data).then(function (result) {
this.webPoSignalOutput = result.webPoSignalOutput
- } catch (error) {
- $JS_INTERFACE.onJsInitializationError(error.toString())
- }
- })();""",
- ) {}
+ }, function (error) {
+ $JS_INTERFACE.onJsInitializationError(error + "\n" + error.stack)
+ })
+ } catch (error) {
+ $JS_INTERFACE.onJsInitializationError(error + "\n" + error.stack)
+ }""",
+ null
+ )
@@ -156,38 +160,24 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "GenerateIT response: $responseBody")
- webView.evaluateJavascript(
- """(async function() {
- try {
- this.integrityToken = JSON.parse(String.raw`$responseBody`)
- $JS_INTERFACE.onInitializationFinished(integrityToken[1])
- } catch (error) {
- $JS_INTERFACE.onJsInitializationError(error.toString())
- }
- })();""",
- ) {}
- }
- }
+ val (integrityToken, expirationTimeInSeconds) = parseIntegrityTokenData(responseBody)
- /**
- * Called during initialization by the JavaScript snippet from [onRunBotguardResult] when the
- * `integrityToken` has been received by JavaScript.
- *
- * @param expirationTimeInSeconds in how many seconds the integrity token expires, can be found
- * in `integrityToken[1]`
- */
- @JavascriptInterface
- fun onInitializationFinished(expirationTimeInSeconds: Long) {
- if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(TAG, "onInitializationFinished() called, expiration=${expirationTimeInSeconds}s")
+ // leave 10 minutes of margin just to be sure
+ expirationInstant = Instant.now().plusSeconds(expirationTimeInSeconds - 600)
+ webView.evaluateJavascript(
+ "this.integrityToken = $integrityToken"
+ ) {
+ if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "initialization finished, expiration=${expirationTimeInSeconds}s")
+ }
+ generatorEmitter.onSuccess(this)
+ }
- // leave 10 minutes of margin just to be sure
- expirationInstant = Instant.now().plusSeconds(expirationTimeInSeconds - 600)
- generatorEmitter.onSuccess(this)
- //region Obtaining poTokens
+ //region Handling multiple emitters
* Adds the ([identifier], [emitter]) pair to the [poTokenEmitters] list. This makes it so that
* multiple poToken requests can be generated invparallel, and the results will be notified to
@@ -212,6 +202,20 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
+ /**
+ * Clears [poTokenEmitters] and returns its previous contents. The emitters are supposed to be
+ * used immediately after to either signal a success or an error.
+ */
+ private fun popAllPoTokenEmitters(): List>> {
+ return synchronized(poTokenEmitters) {
+ val result = poTokenEmitters.toList()
+ poTokenEmitters.clear()
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ //endregion
+ //region Obtaining poTokens
override fun generatePoToken(identifier: String): Single =
Single.create { emitter ->
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
@@ -219,17 +223,21 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
runOnMainThread(emitter) {
addPoTokenEmitter(identifier, emitter)
+ val u8Identifier = stringToU8(identifier)
- """(async function() {
- identifier = String.raw`$identifier`
- try {
- poToken = await obtainPoToken(webPoSignalOutput, integrityToken,
- identifier)
- $JS_INTERFACE.onObtainPoTokenResult(identifier, poToken)
- } catch (error) {
- $JS_INTERFACE.onObtainPoTokenError(identifier, error.toString())
+ """try {
+ identifier = "$identifier"
+ u8Identifier = $u8Identifier
+ poTokenU8 = obtainPoToken(webPoSignalOutput, integrityToken, u8Identifier)
+ poTokenU8String = ""
+ for (i = 0; i < poTokenU8.length; i++) {
+ if (i != 0) poTokenU8String += ","
+ poTokenU8String += poTokenU8[i]
- })();""",
+ $JS_INTERFACE.onObtainPoTokenResult(identifier, poTokenU8String)
+ } catch (error) {
+ $JS_INTERFACE.onObtainPoTokenError(identifier, error + "\n" + error.stack)
+ }""",
) {}
@@ -251,7 +259,17 @@ class PoTokenWebView private constructor(
* result of the JavaScript `obtainPoToken()` function.
- fun onObtainPoTokenResult(identifier: String, poToken: String) {
+ fun onObtainPoTokenResult(identifier: String, poTokenU8: String) {
+ if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Generated poToken (before decoding): identifier=$identifier poTokenU8=$poTokenU8")
+ }
+ val poToken = try {
+ u8ToBase64(poTokenU8)
+ } catch (t: Throwable) {
+ popPoTokenEmitter(identifier)?.onError(t)
+ return
+ }
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Generated poToken: identifier=$identifier poToken=$poToken")