<palign="center"><ahref="https://maintainteam.github.io/fdroid-pages/fdroid/repo/"><imgsrc="https://fdroid.gitlab.io/artwork/badge/get-it-on-en.svg"alt="Get it on F-Droid"height=80/></a><br><sup>(F-Droid repo hosted by us, import it to "Repositories")</sup></p><palign="center">
This project has been started for merging Tubular features with latest NewPipe fixes. Later we decided to improve it and created [extended version](https://github.com/MaintainTeam/LastPipeBender/wiki/Extended-Version) to implement new features. While both versions will be the soft-fork (backward-compatible) of NewPipe project, extended version has [new features](https://github.com/MaintainTeam/LastPipeBender/wiki/Extended-Version#list-of-extended-features) and may include some minor bugs.
We created a Roadmap with mostly feature requests. These features will be added to project after passive maintenance mode ends. See the related [discussion](https://github.com/maintainteam/lastpipebender/discussions/6) for more information about **Roadmap & Project Status**
Both Debug and Release versions built by GitHub Actions. You can check checksum notice in Release Actions or/and checksum.txt in releases to compare with Application's